Home Plans & Design

Home Design Services

What is design? What is design to you, your family and your dream home?

With over 30 years of experience in construction I have recognized design is the most important aspect of any project. Design determines the style of home you are envisioning, the height and shape of the structure and the square footage you need for everyday living. Proper home planning and design will place the orientation of your home for maximum efficiency of energy savings for years to come. Your design and home plan will determine the type of materials, level of construction quality including the budget you will delegate for your unique build. As you can see, there are many areas of design that are utilized to complete a dream home. As a builder, proper design is key to a successful, efficient and timely build. Thinking through the process now will minimize change orders down the line which in turn saves time and money.

A thoughtful, comprehensive home design is created and molded to your lifestyle for today, tomorrow and for years to come.

So, the questions is… How important is design to you?

Call us today to set up an appointment and we will help you design your forever dream home for today, tomorrow and for years to come. And once the design is complete we will transition into the build phase and construct your ideal design.

Our Design Process

For home design that goes beyond the interior and the expectation!

When thinking about components related to home plans or home design – specifically design plans for construction projects – it’s vital to consider hiring an architect to ensure you get everything exactly right before any construction actually takes place. Construction isn’t a spontaneous exercise, after all. It must be strictly controlled and guided throughout to deliver what was originally intended safely and without costly delays cropping up every second. The planning you do with an architect alleviates these potential problems by addressing them in the plans themselves and allowing the craftsmen to simply follow direction instead of troubleshoot. That’s the recipe for efficient progress.

To get the very best outcome possible from your construction project, contact Prestige Homes & Remodel to discuss your plan with one of our trusted architects and let them assist you with crafting something you always hoped for, but never truly thought possible. There’s nothing we can’t accomplish when we work closely with you and your architect or designer – including increasing the overall return on your property investment through the addition of something extraordinary we build together. As an added benefit, architects and planning specialists will quickly solve any local building permit issues freeing you from that added complexity. And, they’ll bring every conceivable technique to the table which could very well open your eyes to something new and exciting. Who doesn’t love that?

Our belief in utilizing the expertise of a proven architect and/or designer for every construction project stems directly from our experience. Trying to save on costs by foregoing this vital step can end up costing you far more in delays and problems uncovered when it’s too late to address them. As a home or business owner, you know the importance of a sound plan for everything you undertake and your next construction project is no different. In fact, it’s far more complex than most things you do which demands even more effort be given to the fine-tuning of details to ensure you get what you want. Otherwise, it’s just a guessing game and that never ends well.

At Prestige, we pride ourselves on our transparency, our craftsmanship, and our commitment to you, our customer. That pride extends to the professionals we choose to work with and the work they do for our customers. So, put our expertise to work for you when contemplating your next interior design project and guarantee yourself spectacular results with far less hassle. It’s as simple as making the call to (707) 535-2055 and starting the conversation with one of Prestige’s family of experts.